Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Hot flash!

The weather is changing in Illinois.  It is 62 degrees this morning and the open windows bring a breath of fresh air to the house.  This is welcome change from the stifling heat and the humidity that bogs us down, keeps us inside and makes us less active.

Heat as an element melts things.  Without heat we would not experience the beauty of blown glass or beautiful pottery or the smell of a lovely candle.  Heat purifies elements.  It reduces the impurities in silver and gold.  Heat eliminates.

Sometimes we find ourselves in heat.  It is uncomfortable.  It stagnates us.  We become clumsy and forgetful and we chase our tails only to find we are back in the same place as before.  Heat when we are in it seems unbearable.  Heat destroys us.  It pulverizes our spirit.

Understanding how God uses heat in our lives gives us greater understanding into who He is and who we are in comparison to Him.  Remember, when God created us He called us good.  We were meant for good and we all have the capacity for good.  When God gives us heat, or allows us to go through the heat what He is really doing is perfecting us by strengthening us.  We struggle in the heat and learn what it is that is not best for us in our lives.  The heat forces us to let go of all control and our impurities float to the top.  Those things which God wants out of our lives.  We will stay in the heat until we release the hold on that impurity that is hampering our beauty.  God in His mercy brings us through the heat and we are tested to see if our spirit is clean and pure.  If it is not, if we are holding on to impurities or we somehow replace the old with a new impurity, we will go through the fire yet again and again and again.

God does not give up on those who desire to be His disciples BUT you must be willing to go through the cleansing heat as He chooses.

Embrace the heat in your life.  Know that it is for your BEST and that through the fire again and again ultimately God is creating a perfect vessel that can be used for many purposes for His Kingdom.

Change heroines.....the temperature will change to a beautiful 62 degrees when we let go of our impurities and allow them to rise up and out of our lives.

***Cathy is a professional writer, speaker and worship leader.  Contact her for engagements at 217 521 2070 or at

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