Thursday, August 1, 2013

Their Idea? or God's Idea?

Good morning Change Heroines.  How is your transition going?  Is God opening doors for you?  Has He closed some?  Are you stuck in the desert right now - uncertain and unsure?  Well push on champions because it may be hard to see because of the clouds of dust as He circles round you, but embrace those clouds today whether they be white or gray. His way is BEST!

I want to talk this morning about the people around us in the change transition.  Our family has known us for a very long time.  They have their own idea of who we are - and they place that on us.  You may be the musical one, or the crafty one, or the pretty one, or the educated one, or the bossy one, or the crazy one, or the sweetest get the picture.  If we are to allow God to radically change our lives we must allow Him to radically change our habits.  What we read, where we go, what we eat and drink, who we hang with should always be measured by is it God's Best for us?   Our dearest members of our family may or may not be on board with this new you.  "But she used to, but we used to, she's changing and I want that other girl back."  If we are always worried about what our loved ones think, we will continue to model their expectations of us. And while this keeps us close to our loved ones, with no tension, is it what is best for us?  And ultimately is it what is best for them?

Deep inside us there is a gnawing aching place that can only be filled by the Holy Spirit.  I talked Tuesday about how we fill it with other things...but ultimately to find the peace and joy and to exhibit the fruits of the spirit that Jesus talks about we must give that hole to Him.  The Priests were the only one's allowed to go into the Holy of Holies where the Ark of the Covenant resided.  It was a purification process before they entered.  They were naked and tied with a rope lest they caught fire being so close to God Himself and the other priests could pull them out.  By grace we don't have to go through that kind of ritual today.  All we need do is release that place within us.  Our Holy of Holies is our heart, the organ that allows life.  Give it to God and let Him change you from the inside out by inhabiting that place.

You might be surprised by your friends and families reactions to you.  At first there will be surprise, then scepticism, than possibly anger hurt and rejection.  But ultimately as you hold fast, they will realize that this is not imitation and you are no longer just a good person - you truly are better and moving toward your BEST.

If you are in the middle of a "what will they think" moment - I'll pray for strength for you today.  Be the one that takes the road less traveled.  Be the one that breaks the cycle.  Don't be afraid of being different and don't be afraid of the greatness that God has planned for you.

**Cathy is a speaker, writer and worship leader.  You may reach her at 217 521 2070 or at

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