I have reached closure in my transition. I am no longer a "transient" seeking, yearning, grasping to stay alive. I am alive through the power of prayer, love and forgiveness. I no longer have to wish away trouble and pain. I have a Savior who heals and tends to my brokenness like no physician on earth can.
During my transition I have leanred the ultimate Truth. We are all born to be changing and moving along a designed pathway specifically engineered for us by a perfect God. All we must do is stay in relationship through putting our trust in Him completely. Knowing that He has the BEST for us. That there is nothing we can do to earn it ourselves - but that it is a free gift given to us through His body and blood sacrifice. Praise His Name.
In transition these are things I learned that bear repeating.
Whatever circumstances come to you - they will be used to strengthen you for your next mark on the path. Do not resist the fire. Allow it to succumb you. Allow it to purify you through and through. If it were not for the fire, our impurities would remain and we would find ourselves a part of this imperfect world - which we were never called to be. In it, yes, but not OF IT. Stay clear of evil in thoughts and actions.
Self focus is sin. Christ focus is the beginning of Heaven on earth for the disciple of Christ.
God still heals and performs miracles. I was healed many times during this transition. God also brought me to the point of death, and I saw His reward, He gave me a glimpse as a balm to my shattered soul. His Word is true.
When we leap in Jesus Name, He is there to catch and break our fall.
To remain static in life is to become a stale image of what could have been. Repeating the same words, prayers, ministries, relationships over and over even though the water has run low. Scum floats on the top and the water has a nasty taste to it yet we keep going to that water because it is all we have. We have not gone to the River of Life and allowed it to run through us and over us, cleansing us and taking us farther upstream where new life awaits.
My dear friends. I will miss you. I will miss Ruby Slippers. My transition is only beginning - I have many miles to go before I sleep. I pray that you too go down to the River, jump in the icy water, and allow it to carry you upstream to the next chapter in your life.
Be Blessed. And thank you again for following me.
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