Monday, August 19, 2013

Finding Rest in Transition

Good morning Change Heroines and Heroes as well as I have been greatly pleased to find that the image is not oft putting to our Heroes who find themselves in transition.  This past week and this weekend I found myself doing what I ought not do.  Self-examination in change and transition is one way to stay off -balanced and I am convinced that it is a trick used to keep us from being Christ-examiners.  The word itself  "self-examination" should give us the large red flag that anytime self is at the front - Christ cannot be.  The world tells us that we should constantly be examining ourselves physically, mentally, relationally, spiritually.  It is all about how I feel, how I was treated, how I need to respond, how I , I , I.  Christ was never about himself - but always about His Father.  Christ was meek and lowly in spirit. His energy and passion came from a deep need to share His Father's message of grace, mercy and love.  Our focus on ourselves is rooted in our sin nature.  The more we allow it the deeper our despair becomes.  The sins of our past become great burdens to us that weigh us down and throw us into depression and despair.  Self examination is cleverly disguised as improvement, reflection, learning from the past, forgiving ourselves.  It is not sin - but it does not bring rest as Christ defines rest.

Those who are in transition typically are there because of circumstances that happened TO them, not that they themselves imposed.  Most people don't embrace change or transition.  Moving is a heavy load (literally!).  The physical work involved is great and the mental and emotional toll it takes as we leave familiar surroundings behind to walk into an unknown future can throw us into a roller coaster of emotions resulting in a focus on oneself.  The burden is heavy.  If you are in transition not of your choosing and the path in front of you is foggy and unclear, panic and the need to control can also bring you into despair.

Sharing all this brings me finally to the point of the message I received this weekend.  If you are heavy laden with burdens of past sin and failure your Father longs to take that burden and give you rest.  The rest that comes from knowing that your past is behind you, your sins are forgiven and His way brings the rest you need from carrying that weight.  I read this morning on this passage from Matthew 11:28 "Come all ye who are heavy laden and I will give you rest."   One theologian compared that figure of Atlas carrying the world on his shoulder.  Perhaps you have seen this sculpture in New York.  This man shared that even that great weight of carrying the world was not a fraction of the burden we feel when we carry the weight of past sin, past regret and past guilt.  This is the burden that Christ removes for all of us...not just for some, but for all.  In transition we need to move from self examination to Christ-examiniation.  We need to come to Him and lay our sins and self at His feet.  Open our hands and allow Him to give us the rest that comes from a pure spirit.  No one is beyond the covering of Christ.  Nothing is beyond the covering of Christ.  The blackest heart can be turned into the whitest snow.

If you are in a state of change - hold out your hand - give Him your burden and find rest in the chaos of your life.

**Cathy is a speaker, writer and worship leader.  Contact her at or 217 521 2070.  And please leave comments.  I love to hear from those who read this blog.**

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