The Habit of Rising to the Occasion
Remember that you have been saved so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in your body (see 2 Corinthians 4:10). Direct the total energy of your powers so that you may achieve everything your election as a child of God provides; rise every time to whatever occasion may come your way.
You did not do anything to achieve your salvation, but you must do something to exhibit it. You must “work out your own salvation” which God has worked in you already (Philippians 2:12). Are your speech, your thinking, and your emotions evidence that you are working it “out”? If you are still the same miserable, grouchy person, set on having your own way, then it is a lie to say that God has saved and sanctified you.
God is the Master Designer, and He allows adversities into your life to see if you can jump over them properly—”By my God I can leap over a wall” (Psalm 18:29). God will never shield you from the requirements of being His son or daughter. First Peter 4:12 says, “Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you . . . .” Rise to the occasion—do what the trial demands of you. It does not matter how much it hurts as long as it gives God the opportunity to manifest the life of Jesus in your body.
May God not find complaints in us anymore, but spiritual vitality—a readiness to face anything He brings our way. The only proper goal of life is that we manifest the Son of God; and when this occurs, all of our dictating of our demands to God disappears. Our Lord never dictated demands to His Father, and neither are we to make demands on God. We are here to submit to His will so that He may work through us what He wants. Once we realize this, He will make us broken bread and poured-out wine with which to feed and nourish others.
Shared from Oswald Chambers.
Dear hearts,
If we are to embrace change we must first embrace our salvation. It is so tough for us rebel/control heroines to release the reins to allow Him to reign. I know from statistics why we hold on...we battered, abused,mentally unstable, overly stressed out beauties. Faking the life. Holding on to what is familiar. Whether that be good for us or not....the important thing is it's familiar...right? Food? Sex? Pills? Alcohol? Nicotine? Tanning? Exercise? Throwing up? Shopping? Stealing? Gossiping? And on and on and on. We use whatever we can to control our emotional abuse. Jesus wants to heal you. But you have to let Him. He will never force Himself into a place where He is not wanted. There is a story of how Jesus went back to Nazareth, and there people who were overly familiar with Him because it was His hometown would not listen to His teaching. What did He do? He did not gripe, complain or defend Himself. He dusted off His sandals and walked on knowing that God would lead Him to a place where the hearts of people would be receptive to Him. This required change. How comfortable would it have been for Jesus to stay in His hometown, not do ministry, but just hang with his peeps? Jesus knew He was to be used of God while on earth as the man-God. He listened to His Father - and when it was time to move and change He did - not His message,but His locale.
Don't become bogged down with what is good in your life. Rise up - kick off the dust - and let Him move you towards the better life.
Love to read your feedback! And please share with others.
Cathy is available for worship/preaching/speaking engagements. You may contact her at 217 521 2070 or by e mailing
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