Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Change Your View of Miracles

Monday was a strange day.  It started out ordinary enough.  Ran some errands, wrote, spent time in my galcave.  By 3 PM I was feeling tired,  More tired than usual.  I thought maybe I had spent to much time on the computer,  My eyes were fuzzy and I just didn't have any energy.  I laid down on the couch and turned on a comedy -elevated my feet and waited for the weird feeling to subside.  It didn't.  I text my friend about 30 minutes later with my symptoms.  Numb left arm, numb legs, chills and a headache.  Stroke symptoms.  By the time my husband got home to take me to the hospital, I couldn't walk by myself.  My speech was slurred and when we arrived at the emergency room I had no motion in any part of my body.  Very scary.  I was crying from fright.  I gave my husband funeral instructions.  And I saw the light.  The white light - just like people who are leaving this earth have testified about.  I was attracted to it.  I was not afraid of the light - I was afraid of what was happening to my body.  I checked off my list of loved ones to make sure that I felt good about where they were in their lives.  I was at peace if this was the end for me here.  And then it happened.  The Miracle.  The symptoms disappeared.  I fell asleep in the E.R. and when I woke up I felt like myself.  The hospital did a CT scan, an EKG, blood work and an ultrasound of the veins in my neck.  Nothing.
I was mad at myself.  I had over reacted.  I shouldn't have gone to the E.R. I had put people out - my husband, the nurses, the doctors.  I didn't want anyone to know what had happened.  Not my family not my friends - no one.  I had convinced myself that my stroke symptoms did not really exist.  I had imagined everything.
Tuesday I spent in the hospital.
Wednesday I resumed my routine.
I was reading about prayer.  I had committed the next 123 days to researching prayer and to be in prayer - commune with God.  And as I read Psalm 25 God spoke to me through that Scripture.

"Why do you want to hide what I do for you?"

Wow!  Great question God!  I was having a stroke, I saw light and I spoke the Name of Jesus and I was healed.  I thought about the many people that Jesus healed.  I began to wonder if there were those who were healed but shrugged it off as an over active imagination - or a bad bit of meat ( Dickens reference).  I believe that God is alive and active in my life.  So why would I choose to not believe in His Divine healing?  As a pastor I have prayed many times for people and believed that God touched and healed.  So why would He not do the same for the me?  Then it hit me.  I need to change the way I see miracles.

G.K. Chesterton (writer,poet, Christian apologetics)

“The believers in miracles accept them (rightly or wrongly) because they have evidence for them. The disbelievers in miracles deny them (rightly or wrongly) because they have a doctrine against them.”

I have evidence of what happened on Monday.  For me to make a choice to "hide" my miracle is as bad as denying Christ out-right.
As an agent of change - I choose to change the way I see circumstances and incidents.  I am changing my voice to active.  I am this day asking God to remove the scales from my eyes.  Scales of ignorance.  I wish to see and speak the Truth about the Lord.  He is a healing God and He has more for me to do.  Here is one commentary by Matthew Henry on Saul and the scales of his eyes.

9:10-22 A good work was begun in Saul, when he was brought to Christ's feet with those words, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And never did Christ leave any who were brought to that. Behold, the proud Pharisee, the unmerciful oppressor, the daring blasphemer, prayeth! And thus it is even now, and with the proud infidel, or the abandoned sinner. What happy tidings are these to all who understand the nature and power of prayer, of such prayer as the humbled sinner presents for the blessings of free salvation! Now he began to pray after another manner than he had done; before, he said his prayers, now, he prayed them. Regenerating grace sets people on praying; you may as well find a living man without breath, as a living Christian without prayer. Yet even eminent disciples, like Ananias, sometimes stagger at the commands of the Lord. But it is the Lord's glory to surpass our scanty expectations, and show that those are vessels of his mercy whom we are apt to consider as objects of his vengeance. The teaching of the Holy Spirit takes away the scales of ignorance and pride from the understanding; then the sinner becomes a new creature, and endeavours to recommend the anointed Saviour, the Son of God, to his former companions.
Join me and choose to ask God to remove your own scales in order to see Miracles and Truth.  And then proclaim it.  I don't believe Jesus just wants to heal us physically - I believe He wants us to change our view of circumstance.  God is at work - believe it.

*Cathy is a speaker,preacher,worship leader and available for your church or event.  Contact her through this website.

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