Do any of you find yourself constantly struggling? It may be that like the butterfly in the cocoon you have to fight your way through the transition in order to come out more beautiful on the other side? If we stop struggling to transition into our more beautiful self we will end up dying in our cocoon. Some are content with this. They have struggled for so long to get to the beauty that they grow weary, curl up, isolate and live in the comfort of the cocoon.
There is a strong human inclination to give up in transition. To say to yourself, "I'm not good enough," "I'm not strong enough," and to settle for the good rather than the BEST. The good is a cocoon that may be comfortable but is not excellent. Henry David Thoreau wrote that "the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."
Change Heroines - do not succumb to a life that is not God's best for you. Here is an exercise that I have found helpful when the cocoon seems more pleasurable than the struggle for beauty and freedom.
Grab a pen and a piece of paper or open an app. (Evernote is a good one) and make two columns. One is what is positive about you and one is what is negative about you. 9 times out of 10 you will want to start with the negative column. That is who we are dear friends. But resist! Start with the positive column. Even if you have to start simply. "I make good coffee." "I am a mother" "I love music" "I exercise" whatever it might be - make sure your positive column has at least ten things in it before you start to put anything in the negative side. Here is what you will find dear Heroines. You will feel so good about who you are that the negative will disappear. TRULY!!
A trick of the mind? Or a reminder of the beauty that God has planted inside each one of us? God wants us to struggle dear hearts. In our struggle out of our cocoon is where we will find God's best and our most beautiful selves.
Be beautiful today. And share your list with me. I would love to read it !!
**Cathy is a speaker, writer, worship leader and in her positive list today she wrote:educated, friendly, communicator, creative, writer,mother,wife,sister,daughter,disciple,servant to Jesus, lover of music, lover of flowers and nature, decorator and overcomer.
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