Friday, October 25, 2013

Creating Happiness, Laughter and Love - my new family......

This Friday, today, is the last day of my life as I have known it for five months.  Since June 2013, I have been "unemployed."  I resigned from my position as a worship pastor in a large church and went from 50 hours a week planning, rehearsing, researching, praying, visiting, organizing, cleaning, decorating, writing and on and on and on to....well, basically whatever I wanted to do.  During those five months I interviewed with many different male senior pastors (never a female - I wonder why? Hmmm....) I traveled to Indiana and Texas and lead worship in churches much smaller than the one I left.  The Holy Spirit worked in a mighty way in those services...but I was not moved myself.  Only, rather, puzzled.  I traveled to Branson to see my dad, I traveled back home to Kansas City for long visits, started several blogs (something I had always wanted to do) started a non profit (Handiwork 4 Him-more to come on that) auditioned for a professional theatre (and Almost got a part leading me to think that it might still be a possibility in my life).  After walking through many doors I have finally landed in a place and will no longer have my days to "putter."  All my energy and time will be directed towards creating happiness, laughter and love with American Greetings Corporation.  I get a car, and a gas card, a lap top and an iphone.  My hours are my own and I basically run my 40 employee 190 account area as a small business focusing on continuous improvement, inspiring and motivating employees, strengthening customer relationships whilst keeping on top of day to day operations.  I am grateful for an excellent income and benefits in a time when jobs are hard to come by - and I plan to give this company the best of me.

I am writing this simply to let everyone know who I will be from now on.  As other opportunities arise and my work with my non profit evolves I will keep you posted in future blogs.

I hope you continue to follow me on Ruby Slippers.  I plan to continue to keep up with this blog which was originally designed to discuss change and transition.  Just because I have landed a new career doesn't mean I am not in change and transition :-)  I will always be in this space until the day when I take my last breath on this earth.  Growing is living for me.  And I hold fast to my motto "Bloom where you are planted."

My bulb has been re potted into new warm soil.  I am looking forward to the first break through of color this spring.

Thank you for following me .  Love to you all.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Prickly Pear or Whisker Soft?

 "How are we going to get a life that has no lust, no self-interest, and is not sensitive to the ridicule of others? How will we have the type of love that “is kind . . . is not provoked, [and] thinks no evil”? (1 Corinthians 13:4-5). The only way is by allowing nothing of the old life to remain, and by having only simple, perfect trust in God— such a trust that we no longer want God’s blessings, but only want God Himself." - Oswald Chambers

I want that kind of love.  I have always wanted the whisker soft kind of love that covers everyone I am around with smiles, laughter, comfort, care and kindness.  That is who I want to be.  The issue seems to be, at least for me, that I am that soft woman as long as life and those in my life are the same.  My expectation of myself is based on my expectations of others.  I am soft, they are soft, all is good.  But what happens when I am soft, and they are prickly?  I pause, and breath deep, and return soft and get hit with prickly....again.  The old me, the carnal me, would snap back with a few thorns of my own, or walk away vowing never to open my soft under belly to that pear again.  Their actions do not meet my expectations and as a result I am disappointed.  

I think I am not alone in this, based on the number of relational problems that exist between people I know.  Putting expectations on anyone other than yourself is a sure-fire way to anger, frustration and disappointment.  The only kind of love that we can give to others is the un-conditional type that says, "You are who you are and I love you just like you are. Prickly, soft, thorny or fuzzy. (I particularly like fuzzy, but that's another blog)."

After all, that is what Jesus did for us, in a particularly exposed, public and grandiose way.  He gave love, we gave thorns, and He loved us anyway and went to the Cross.  That is unconditional love.  The kind that is not provoked, thinks no evil, shows no self-interest and is kind to the unkind.

The only measuring stick for your life is your expectation of yourself in light of who you are as a human being, and in my case, a human being who believes in God, the Father, Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit.  If I am measuring myself against any other yardstick but the one set out for me by the One I submit to, than I am doomed to be depressed in this life. Because people and situations are prickly.

The way of unconditional love is found in the Word, in Prayer and in Submission.  To understand God, we must spend time with Him.  We must study His nature.  We must commune with Him in prayer and we must submit to His calling for us.

A prickly nature is a sign of carnality.  Thin-skinned. Judgmental  Critical. Mean-spirited.  Gossip.  Slander. Vengeful. These are not of the Spirit. Love. Patience. Forgiveness. Self-Control. Joy.Peace.Faithfulness.Kindness.Goodness.  These traits are evidence of the Holy Spirit working in and through us.

Do we pray for God's blessings?  Or do we pray with no expectation other than God is our Father, our Friend, our Protector, our Guidance, our Strength?  Perhaps it is time to take inventory of our own exterior.  Are we prickly? Or whisker soft?

"Father.  Today I pray Lord that if there be any sin, condemnation or judgement in me, that you would reveal it, that I may turn from that way and put my eyes on You as my soul/sole provider.  Give me your eyes that I might be love to someone in need today.  Give me your arms that I might embrace someone who is struggling today.  Give me your heart that I might be kind to all - no matter how evil or thorny - so that my testimony of who I am in Christ might be reflected in all I do.  I know I have far to go Lord, but I place my hand in yours and submit my will as I walk the path you take me."

Your daughter,


Be Blessed Bright Ones.  #Lightleaning.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Today is the First Day of My New Life!

What if someone would say to you, "When you wake up tomorrow, your life as you know it will be gone and a new life will begin for you.  This new life will be a "do-over," a start-over for you.  Your past is a white blank page and you may write on it whatever you desire to create the life you want now until you take your last breath."  How would you react to that?

Beginning again.  Late in life. Early in life.  Poor.  Rich.  Beginning again is something that anyone can do at any point in their life.  Sometimes people refer to life transition as chapters.  The next chapter for example.  I prefer the do-over.  Why? you may ask a do-over?  Because the next chapter follows the same story-line, which in itself is limiting.  A blank sheet has infinite possibilities. A next chapter follows a past; good, bad or indifferent.  At least for me, I want to shut the door on the past and embrace a new tomorrow that promises hope not just for me, but for others.

Here is an exercise if you too want to embrace a "brand new tomorrow, today."

Take your blank sheet of paper, and write, draw, and describe your new life now.  What does it look like? Who is in it? How does it sound?  How does it smell?  Where is it?

Figure out where you are heading in this new change to "do over" your life and then make the plans to do it.   Don't be vague.  Don't write at a high level.  "Be happy" is a high level.  Dig down beneath the shallows and describe what would make you happy?  Remember that rarely do people, things, events or money make you happy.  Happiness is something that comes from within.  It is a love of who you are, what you do for others and yourself, what you create, what you leave behind, what you fill your mind with, what you dream of ...these are the things that create happiness.

In my own life, on my own new blank page I write....Today is the First Day of My New Life.

I am:

Grateful for another day to meet and embrace new friends. To start a career which will help me bring about financial security in my old age.  To show love to my family. To pursue three new ministry opportunities (Handiwork 4 Him), my book and bible study Pray.Love.Forgive. a trilogy; and my life as an itinerant female evangelist.

Although I shut the door on my past, I recognize that all I have come through was just the rehearsal for today's new life.  

All life is a journey, at least for me.  I know I cannot be alone in this thinking.  Explore this:

Today, you will not breathe the same.  You will take long deep breaths all day long filling your lungs and body with a different air.  This air holds promise for your future.  Today you will not see the same.  Your eyes will not be drawn to the shallow and the gaudy, but to the beautiful in spirit.  Today you will not hear the same.  Today your ears will be filled with sounds of beauty in music and conversation and "sounds" of silence and nature.  Today your mind is full of possibilities.  Who you will become in your new life and how that new woman/man will leave a lasting legacy for family and those in this world who need your voice of encouragement and inspiration.

"There was nothing of the nature of impulsive or thoughtless action about our Lord, but only a calm strength that never got into a panic. "-O.C.

This is something from the past that I am no longer bound to.  Impulsiveness.  That is not who I am any more.  We may say, "But God made me this way with this personality - to move quickly and ahead!  To do great things for Him!"  No, God wants us to slow down and live in His presence among all the ordinary things and people of this life.  On my blank page today, my future, I will write, Slow Down.  Be Ordinary.  These two things will rule my thoughts, actions and spirit today.  For a person who has been impulsive this will create a huge shift of sight.  Back to the blank page, "Today is the first day of the rest of my new life."  I WAS, but now I AM.  I was fast, and quick and full of energy.  Now I am confident, relaxed, and disciplined.  What does that look like?  Confidence has no need to show because you know you are capable, intelligent and more than enough.  Relaxed does not rush, or act quickly. Relaxed is slow to speak.  Relaxed is a listener. Relaxed has time to embrace others. Disciplined knows how to say no to the impulsive things.  Disciplined knows how to wait for the best and not settle for the mediocre.  Waiting for the best does not mean inactivity.  It means walking in this life while keeping your eyes on the future and the steps to attain the best.  It is methodical, relaxed and confident that you are smart enough, kind enough and strong enough to walk through this life that you were born into, but ultimately don't belong to.

Today is a gift.  This earth and all the things in it are gifts.  Open them. Explore them.  Choose the gifts wisely.  Remember that all are permissible but not all are for the betterment of the body and spirit.

Be blessed bright ones.  I will see you tomorrow.

Pastor Cat #Lightleaning.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Reflections on Revival.

Reflections on a Revival Weekend.

I had the great opportunity to lead worship for the Pittsfield Nazarene Church revival services with Dr, Michael Benson.  here are a few reflection moments for me:

1.  How a church is cared for says alot about how the congregation feels about its church.  We are always spouting off about how the church is not BUILDINGS.  Well that is true - the church is PEOPLE.  May I just share that a beautiful sanctuary, cared for, says to visitors, "we care about God's House."  Pittsfield Church was very well cared for - and it was obvious that it was not just the building, but the people as well from the children to the senior adults.  Kudos to this church for caring about the details.

2.  When you think that you have done the "worst" by being reckless, God uses this as an opportunity to take you to the big table. 

3.  Prayer is not the way to equip us for greater works - it IS the greater work.  Prayer is the connection between ourselves and our Christ.  Personally for me, prayer is the breathing in and breathing out of the Holy Spirit.  Prayer is continual all day long.  My soul longs for You Lord - and out of that yearning I speak to You all day long and about all things.

4.  Handiwork 4 Him is now a reality and I need to treat it like one.  If you do handiwork I am interested in connecting with you to help women in Honduras create a better life.

5.  I was told that someone heard from God that I should be added to a church staff.  I do not take any comment like this frivolously.  God may be designing something wonderful - and I want to be a part of anything that He has a hand in designing.

6.  Cabin and creation living is a great way to detox.  I am thankful for good friends who made my stay such a joy.  The sounds of a cabin full of girls laughing, singing, praying, playing was intoxicating.  I may never have this day to day experience myself - but I can enjoy other people's lives and be blessed by their testimony and day to day spirits.

7.  Live a life of gratitude.  Wake up each day being grateful for what is in your life and what is coming into your life.  Share your testimony often, because you never know who might be needing it.

8.  Never take your loved ones for granted.  Embrace them as often as you can.  Lean into Love.  Always Err on the side of Love.

9.  You may not have a pedigree, but that doesn't mean that God will not and cannot use you.  Don't fear being "outside the club."  There really is no "club".  You belong and don't let anyone make you feel like you don't.  Be strong, be confident.

10.  Reinvention is radical but needed.  A revival in a church is a time for reinvention.  If you don't want reinvention - don't hold revival.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Epic Ruby Adventures.

I'm baaccckkkk!  Ruby Slippers could not be silenced :-)  For those of you just reading this blog - Ruby Slippers was my first blog I started back in May of 2013.  I had never blogged before, found myself suddenly with more time than I was used to and needed an creative outlet to work through my latest life transition.  It was a blog originally to inspire and encourage women going through change, not THE change, just change in general. Although we could also talk about that change as well...anyway, I digress.

I stopped blogging Ruby in August, and began blogging about Worship.  Which is just great and and I enjoy immensely, however today's events in my life have caused me to bring Ruby back out.  So I hope you enjoy the antics and activities of a woman from Kansas who grew up with The Wizard and Dorothy, has a fondness for sparkles and shoes, loves God and continues to push through adversity towards her best tomorrow.

Welcome - and thanks for reading.

Today was kind of amazballs.  I ll break it down in a few bites.

1.  A friend who owns a Christian TV Station in town asked me to be on a pilot for a new tv program similar to the View with four female hosts.  Christian based with focus on what's happening in the community, fashion, fun, know View stuff.  I have to admit - this whole thing makes me smile ;-)  A perfect fit.  A gal who loves fashion, has a voice and point of view, isn't afraid of the camera, loves to laugh and likes to eat.  Bwahahaha.  What could be better for me right?  I 'll keep you posted.

2.  God gave me a vision when I last visited my mother in law in July.  As a result I contacted a good missionary friend in Honduras and received an e mail from him today.  5 - 6 years ago I was on a work and witness trip to Honduras and met incredible people building a church on a cliff overlooking the capital city.  Corrugated tin huts, dirt floors, barbed wire and glass protecting their few possessions.  Women with children and no men - except for the men who come to prey. No money, no skills.  And then Jesus showed up and a church was built and a school and teachers and mission groups came regularly and loved the women and children - and I was one of those.  I fell in love.  And I have never forgotten.  So that is Villa Christina.  In July I watched and listened to my mother in law describing all the crochet thread she had that she needed to do something with.  She is a widow and has much time on her hands.  She likes to do handiwork - doilies, scrubbies, booties, dish cloths, etc.  Then I spent time with my own mother in September who knits.  She makes scarves and hats.  In this country there are a lot of retired and widowed ladies who like to do handiwork because it keeps them busy.  Keeps them active.  Gives them purpose.  In Honduras there are women with no skills and no materials.  The widows can only give away so many doilies, the Hondurans can potentially SELL the doilies and make extra money for food, clothing and essentials.  Anyway, I pitched it - they loved it and I am in the baby stages of "Handiwork for Him" Honduras Exchange.  Pretty cool huh?  God also gave me another ministry called God's Goods...but I am not sure where we are headed with that yet.

3.  A friend from high school that I have touched base with through Facebook sends me a last minute beg to send my worship pastor resume to his church who is looking for a worship pastor and is located in...drum roll...Colorado Springs!  Hello!!  So I sent that off today.

4.  Indy is not a closed door yet.  I still wait to hear from this dream church and covet your prayers for what would be an incredible match for me.  Best band, praise team, choir I have heard since Mid America days.  Extremely blessed church - I would be blown away to work with such a gifted group.

So, I share all this to share all this.  God has the most amazing plans for you - more amazing than you can ever imagine.  Ever!  Just relax and enjoy the ride.  He will use you until you decide you won't be used.

Be blessed bright ones.

Pastor Cat